“Economic Policy for the Dark Ages”

That´s how the people here should call themselves:

All told, it is puzzling that this employment report, which seems worse than the June report, would encourage Fed presidents to suggest dialing back on asset purchases.

Their arguments should be the opposite. QE1, QE2, and QE3 are not achieving their stated goals of helping the economy, and are contributing to the possibility of inflation. So tapering should occur.

Plus, the danger of inflation is lurking. As soon as banks ramp up their lending, inflation will take off. As Dallas Fed President Fisher said on Monday, “the excess, currently nondeployed money could prove the kindling of an inflationary conflagration unless the Fed is nimble in managing its effect as it works its way into the economy’s production and consumption of goods and services.”

That’s why the Fed should taper, not because the labor markets are doing better.

Whatever the reason, tapering in September gives Bernanke a chance to show the world that he is the one who moved first to head off inflation. His legacy will not be inflation, or hyperinflation. He will be remembered as the chairman who kept the Great Recession from turning into the Great Depression and who managed to keep inflation at bay.

In the “bonfire of the vanities”, keep inflation at bay. At any and all costs!

5 thoughts on ““Economic Policy for the Dark Ages”

  1. You are far too kind to these miscreants. We know the inflation targeting business has gone very much too far when the media start squawking for higher interest rates when the price of food spikes. There are only two things I know of that can reduce the demand for food; and they are implicitly contemplated in connecting monetary policy with the price of food. Yet, they don’t seem to notice the inhumanity and cruelty in the suggestion.

  2. There are days when I think the best thing to do is move to a Pacific island with enough money for several decades of Pina Coladas….jeez, the inflation boogyman again….

  3. I hope you didn’t have to listen to the Obama speech on the Fed Chairman:

    “A critical part of the job is making sure that we keep inflation in check, our monetary policy is sound, that the dollar is sound. Those are all critical components of the job, and we’ve seen what happens when the Fed’s not paying attention. We saw prior to Paul Volcker coming into place, inflation shooting up.”

    “And we’re not growing as fast as we should. And I want a fed chairman who’s able to look at those issues and have a perspective that keeps an eye on inflation, makes sure we’re not seeing artificial bubbles, but also recognizes a big part of my job right now is making sure economy is growing quickly and robustly and is sustained and durable so that people who work hard in this country are able to find a job”


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